Clare Wolfowitz
Clare Wolfowitz (Board of Directors, 2012–2019) holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and published Language Style and Social Space on polite speech styles in Javanese. Her latest book, a future-fictional scientific mystery called Bali OK, was self-published to support Health In Harmony.
With a background in anthropology, as well as experience consulting on development projects, Clare was impressed with the key insights behind Health In Harmony’s program in Indonesia and its impressive impacts. Just as impressive has been HIH’s amazingly successful expansion into widely different areas of the globe, while maintaining its radical core principles:
Invite the opinions of all local residents.
Build the program around that community input.
Find excellent local partners to manage the program—instead of bringing in outside “experts.”
Now, in 2025, this radical recipe is becoming widely recognized as a model for long-term effectiveness. Equally radical, and increasingly recognized, is Health In Harmony’s dual focus, integrating the health of the community AND the health of the environment. In the next decade, Health In Harmony will expand its influence through professional training in Radical Listening — possibly even prompting a radical rethinking of economic development programming.
HIH Ambassador