Guilhem Molinie

Raised in a house facing an old forest, Guilhem spent his early years exploring nature in a remote mountainous province of France. A few decades later, he joined Health in Harmony after about 15 years of field work with Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

Guilhem holds MSc in Public Health, International Relations and Philosophy. He’s still involved in research on health systems adaptation to environmental needs, with a particular focus on healthcare environmental footprint.

Across East Africa, Southern Africa, Middle East and Asia, Guilhem often observed, alongside intense human suffering, the environmental degradation resulting from acute crises. By joining HIH’s team in Madagascar, he’s aiming to address & prevent some of the root causes of such crises: extreme poverty, human pressure on the environment, health & knowledge inequalities.

Guilhem is a father of four. His kids taught him to welcome every new day’s change with an open heart. He hopes to contribute to a more balanced human footprint, in a fairer world. 

Madagascar Country Director