Nancy Drushella

I first learned about Health In Harmony in the summer of 2016, through a then friend, and now my husband! He had joined the Board of Directors and they were looking for a Treasurer. The more I heard about the organization’s purpose, the more interested I became. At that time there was one site in Borneo, Indonesia with a small clinic. Many of the data proven tools that are now program staples, were being finetuned at that stage. Radical Listening, organic farming training, children’s education and forest guardians. Wow, HIH has come so far in eight years!

I have had the extreme fortune to visit two of our sites, Sukadana, Indonesia in 2018 and Madagascar in 2024. Each time, I have returned home with renewed enthusiasm for the organization and the amazing people who are making a difference in the field. The rainforest communities are improving their health, education and livelihoods by guiding HIH. We are taking their ideas and knowledge and helping to make them reality.

I completed two terms on the Board of Directors in 2022, but once you have been a part of the Health in Harmony family, you are changed and I could not just walk away. Currently I am on the Finance Committee and an Ambassador. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Health In Harmony, and caring about the health of our planet and its diversity.

HIH Ambassador