Health In Harmony at Skoll World Forum, ChangeNOW this April
Next month, HIH is heading for two major global summits for impact-driven innovation. First up, in early April, we will showcase the proven successes and impact achieved through rainforest communities’ wisdom and climate solutions at the Skoll World Forum. Later in the month, HIH will have a key presence at the world's largest event of solutions for the planet, ChangeNOW. Read on to find out event details and more.
HIH’s co-CEO Jonathan Jennings will participate in several sessions at the ChangeNOW, World Expo of Solutions for the Planet in Paris, France. Jonathan will open and moderate the session "COP30 and Beyond: The Amazon as the Center of the World." As Brazilian journalist and writer Eliane Brum put it, "fighting for the Amazon is fighting for people, humans and non-humans—all living beings." This years' pivotal negotiations at COP30 in Brazil shine a spotlight on the Amazon, and this session will address urgent priorities to protect this vital biome and ensure it remains at the heart of the global climate agenda after COP30. Jonathan will lead discussions with some of the Amazon's staunchest defenders:
Sumak Helena Sirén Gualinga, environmental and human rights activist, co-founder of Polluters Out
H.R.H. Princess Esmeralda of Belgium, journalist, author, activist, President of the King Leopold III Fund For Nature Exploration and Conservation
Ana Toni, CEO of COP30 and Vice Minister for Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil
João Pedro Braga, researcher, member of YAC-SPA
Virgilio Viana, General Director of FAS
Jonathan will also open and moderate another panel, "Protect, Preserve, Act: A Collective Mission for Nature," exploring why protection of our natural world is a shared responsibility that transcends borders, cultures, and industries, and highlighting different approaches to the preservation of Earth's life-giving ecosystems, alongside:
Farwiza Farhan, Executive Director of HAkA FoundationSheherazade, co-Director of PROGRES
Markus Gilles, CEO of Planet Wild
Santiago Gowland, CEO of Rainforest Alliance
Finally, Jonathan will speak in the session "Environmental Intelligence: Bridging Indigenous Wisdom with Modern Science & Tech for a Sustainable Future" to discuss Who CAREs!? Chronicles' Environmental Intelligence project, which blends Indigenous expertise with modern technology to unlock the untapped potential of nature’s intelligence to help us make ecological and social transitions for planetary health.
Skoll World Forum
Also in April, at the Skoll World Forum in Oxford, UK, an HIH team will showcase the planetary health impact rainforest guardians achieve for the climate, biodiversity, and human health through their traditional knowledge systems and holistic approaches to rainforest protection. This key global gathering for social innovations is open to all online between April 1 and 4 at the Skoll World Forum's website.