Sergio Mota

Sergio Mota, born and raised in Brazil, graduated in Eletronic Engineering and Physics. Started as application engineer, moving to sales engineer, internal consultant and project manager. Entered the corporate finance area through internal audit, working in countries like India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, USA. Grew in finance through roles like FP&A, supply chain, product finance and global projects, spending 10 years in the US. Moved back to Brazil in 2012, working as CFO for locomotives, wind turbines and healthcare LATAM businesses and as COO for companies like GE, ABB and currently works at Amazon.

Sergio attended SEP in 2018 (same cohort as K. Webb). Started to learn about the Amazon and supported HIH’s 1st trip there. Traveled to the Amazon in Mar ’24 (Manaus and Rio Negro). Married to Renata, father of Beatriz, who lives in San Francisco and just got married to James.

Board Member