Xingu Basin, Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
Sunarah has lived in Pangkalan Buton, Indonesia since she was a child. As a farmer, she depends on the rainforest to provide her crops with protection from the elements and act as a buffer to the effects of climate change. Protecting her home rainforest is close to Sunarah’s heart and is instilled in her community’s values. The community recognizes the vital role the rainforest plays in offering a source of water, which allows them to thrive and continue to reside in their ancestral homes. Learn about Sunarah’s climate solution below.
“The forest is really important and necessary for us and the local people. The forest eases our life and the source of fresh water is abundant.”
Community Case Study
From healthcare to reforestation to alternative livelihood supports, ASRI is truly the embodiment of planetary health in action. Chainsaw Buyback, Goats for Widows, and the Forest Guardians programs remain some of the most popular programs for community members to join. ASRI also provides organic farming training to communities to allow them to sustainably farm the land and increase yields.
individuals supported in alternative livelihoods in 2022